Many products, sevices or exciting knowledge can only be experienced interactivly in a 3D simulation.
Interaction activates the viewer, invites them to play and to make their own experiences.
The interaction also mediates declaracions more then a regular movie.
Interactive presentations are often used in museums, on building projects and at fairs to emphazise the actual dimensions of the individual project.
It is always a great experience for those who will take the time and try these things in a 3D simulation.

more3D uses the same visual instrument like for a regular movie production. In contrast to ordinary films the story, objects and pictures are not being converted into a readymade sequence but transferred into a so called real time engine in which the interactive operations are then being determined. Nearly everything that can stylistically be done in a film can be done here, ranging from sketches, technical looks to photo- realistic depictions of products.
Many studies show that interactive 3D Stereo experience create long-lasting memories with positive conotations.

For large visitor groups ready made 3D movies by more3D are better suited. With more3D’s turnkey solution of storyboarding, 3D filming, post production and ready made playback solutions you are empowered to deliver your companies vision clearer and more impressive.
The Process
Lets assume you would like to, for instance, present your guests with an impressive and high quality presentation at your next event. You have decided to use stereoscopic projections for the visual elements which will leave a lasting visual impression and mesmerise your audience that evening. Ideas for the proceedings are not a problem – start with an introductory speech, then a magnificent opener, followed by music and dancing, and an overwhelming finale in which the new product is unveiled. Only item missing on the agenda are stunningly evocative images and the evening would be a complete success, you are assured of that. But where to get those in a tight spot?
That is where we come in. No, we won’t steal the images for you. But we invite you to come and sit down with us. Together we will tease the maximum out of your concept and develop a story.
You do not have a concept? Well, lets create one together. An experienced team will find surprising ways to bring your requirements to life, leaving your audience with an overwhelmingly positive visual experience.
As soon as we have found the story, it will be refined and extended, tailored to your needs. We then present it to you, fitting and adjusting where there is too much or not enough, exactly as you have come to expect from a custom tailor for example.
Once we have found the best fit, we retreat to our workshop to commence production. An expert team of accomplished film designers and producers is assembled who will more than meet your requirements, being adept at dealing artfully with the most exotic images.
During production, there are so-called milestones in which intermediate steps are presented and you can make changes, e.g. should you want the ‘blue trousers’ after all instead of the ‘red’ ones. In the end, all you have to do is come by for coffee and cake and watch the final dress rehearsal. If you like what you see, you can take it with you there and then, ready packaged. If you have hesitations about your ‘fitted’ movie, we will make sure that all your concerns are addressed and amended before we give it to you. In an extreme case we take it back to production, yet our customers were always 100% happy with the results.
Get in contact with our team, we are looking forward to hear from you!