This brief guide will explain how to enable Catia to work in 3D Stereo with the moreStereo3D Software.
The guide is designed to be brief and yet covering all needed steps to enable Catia V6 to work in 3D Stereo. This is a one-time setup and not needed to be repeated once setup properly.

Download the moreStereo3D 3D Stereo plugin here.
I. Prepare the 3D Stereo Plugin for Catia V6
1) Please install moreStereo3D.
2) Start moreStereo3D.
II. Configure the 3D Stereo Plugin for Catia V6
3) Right click the moreStereo3D Tray Icon (next to your system time) and select “more3D Stereo Enabler”
4) Click the “Locate known Apps” Button. The more3D stereo enabler will search the folders “C:\Program Files” and “C:\Program Files (x86)” for your Catia V6 installation.

In case you have installed Catia V6 into a non-standard installation directory, please continue with step 5). If the more3D Stereo Enabler found your Catia installation properly, please continue on step 8)
5) Click the “Add Application” Button.
6) Navigate to your Dassault Systems directory. Open your Catia V6 installation folder, select the folder based on your catia, e.g. for Catia V6R2013 the folder is called “B213” . Open the subdirectory “win_b64”, next open the next subfolder named “code” and open the subfolder “bin” The complete path could look close to this:
E:\Program Files\Dassault Systemes\B213\win_b64\code\bin
7) Select the file “cnext.exe” and press “Open”.
8a) Please set “Application Version” to “Win32” for a 32-Bit version of Catia V6; set “Graphic Library” to “OpenGL” and check the “Enabled”-Checkbox. Press “Save and Close”.
8b) Please set “Application Version” to “Win64” for a 64-Bit version of Catia V6; set “Graphic Library” to “OpenGL” and check the “Enabled”-Checkbox. Press “Save and Close”.

III. Configure Catia V6 for optimal Stereo3D performance
9) Finally its time to start Catia V6 and load a 3D Model. Ignore the popup Catia eventually displays while logging in or starting up.

10) Switch to perspective view mode, see he screenshot below.

11) Potentially not all of Catia V6’s ambiences work out of the box, please always make sure that you enable the perspective mode after selecting an alternate ambience. We recommend to turn off ambiences.

You might want to play around with the 3D Settings. We recommend using the new Autofocus function of moreStereo3D.

Are you not sure how to create a good 3D effect? Find out how in this tutorial video (6 minutes):
Do not hesitate to contact us for technical assistance:
moreStereo3D provides 3D Stereo for glasses-free 3D displays, 3D Monitors, 3D TVs and 3D Projectors from within your application.
moreStereo3D works with many OpenGL based applications, it supports Side By Side, Top Bottom, Frame Sequential and Quad Buffered 3D Stereo output (any many more).
See our Youtube Channel for the latest tutorials and how-to’s.
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